There are many ways to find the right hard money lenders but it is important to work with lender whom you can trust and develop a relationship. Seek advice from people who are either already working with a lender or have worked with one in the past to get the best information. It is also essential to meet at least two to three lenders to decide which one suits your project and needs most.
Discussed here are some top tips that would help to make the
process of finding the best hard money lender easy and determine which lender
would be the best choice for borrowing money:
Lender’s reputation
It is very important to consider the lender’s reputation; with
the popularity of hard money loans, there are so many people in the market that
claim to offer loans but not all of them are thorough professionals and deal
with borrowers in the most trusted manner. It is best to work with a lender who
has been around in the market for some time and is known for ethical and clean
dealings with the clients. It is a key aspect to consider because you don’t
want to end up working with someone who is wanted by the law or is known for
shady dealings and contacts. Check out the lender’s reputation and market
standing before going ahead with the contract.
Repayment schedules
The repayment schedules should be discussed before the contract
is signed and you get the money to finance your project. In addition to this,
you should discuss all scenarios with the lender in case something goes wrong
or things do not go as planned. In most of the cases, hard money loans are for
12 to 36 months and many lenders do not have prepayment penalties for early
repayment. Talking about repayment schedules and penalties will give you an
idea about the lender and if you are working with someone who is professional
and considerate enough to help you in time of need.
Interest rate
It is important to know hard money lenders charge premium
interest rates for short term loans while longer term money products offer
lower rates. You must work out which loan would suit you most and if you will
be able to repay it as per the terms and conditions in the contract. Make sure
the lender outlines all the details clearly and does not hide anything as it
might land you in trouble when you do not have the money to repay. Have a
detailed discussion with the lender regarding the interest rate as well as fees
so that you do not face any problem later on.
Swiftness of loans
Hard money lenders are popular because they approve loans
swiftly and the borrower can receive the finances in just 10 to 15 days,
allowing both short and long term lenders to close their deals without any
trouble. It is important to note how quickly the lender is able to offer
capital and what type of customer service you get so that you do not face any
problem in case of any emergency. The main reason behind it is that hard money
lenders do not require lengthy paperwork or protocol as compared to banks and
other credit companies; they focus on the collateral and your ability to repay.
Finding the best hard money lenders Houston can become easy if
you keep your eyes and ears open and see which one offers the best service and
financing conditions.